Sunday, November 14, 2010

You know better

I have been working on my novel for this month... It is going okay. I feel like I am riding on a rollerskating in the middle of the night and it's going so fast I can't see the track in front of my. The tracks behind me are barely a memory. The safety straps are broken and I am clinging onto a harness, dangling an unknown height above the ground.

It's the most exhilarating and terrifying experience of my life.

The story knows best, I keep telling myself that, but if feels like I am being jerked around by a chain and not making any progress. I had the whole story plotted out and then when I was writing last night, more or less on script, my main characters father goes and starts telling her things she wasn't supposed to find out until the end of the novel... after starting the conversation I can't well go back and change it, not only would that kill my word count, but the authenticity, the feel of the, story can't be ignored. And the conversation felt right. It's like my sixth sense was screaming "This needs to happen and it is happen, so sit down and right the rest of the freaking scene!"

My sixth sense is not very nice.

It is totally ignoring the fact that if I reveal the important information now I will have no cool plot twist at the end of novel. But this is were I need to remind myself that the novel knows best. I have written most of this book by the seat of my pants and whatever happens at the end has already been decided, I just don't know it yet. All will be revealed in good time, I just need to let my sub conscious off the leash and go for it. It is the scariest feeling ever. And it is the most intoxicating.

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