Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trick to writing

I have come to the conclusion, with lots of help, that there are two main things to writing as a profession. The first is to never tell the twist. As a matter of fact avoid talking about your story as much as is physically possible, and no matter what do not give away the twist at the ending! DO NOT DO IT! It will kill the book faster than normal life would.

And I have forgotten what the second tip was... between me starting this post and sitting down to finish it I lost my idea... damn.

Oh, yes. I remember now. The second trick to writing is to write. It is amazing how many people want to be writers who don't do that. They say they want to write, that they have tons of plot ideas, but then they don't ever sit down and pound out the words. Writing is serious work and should be treated with respect, the same respect as other jobs, if you don't do it everyday it will bitch slap you.

That is all I have to say on writing. Don't tell and do it everyday.

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