Friday, January 7, 2011

What happened in November

I did not end up writing 50,000 words in November, I missed it by almost 17,000 but I was so close. Not. Anyway I will be posting the story in short, very short, increments when I get around to editing it. Hopefully I will be able to finish the research that I need to write the next part of Emerald Eyes ... probably not, but I can hope. Until further notice I will not be posting any stories.

This next semester I will try to write more, maybe even a few short stories, but between my two jobs and a new internship that seems highly unlikely. Plus I have been bequeathed a new blog. As of a few weeks ago I became the editor of my dorm blog. You may have noticed that it hasn't been updated in almost a year, hopefully that will be remedied soon.

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