Monday, September 12, 2011

It's almost that time again.

November is sneaking back up on me... and I find myself in the position of not knowing if I want to participate in Nanowrimo again. I do, but I am super busy... this sucks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A moment of electric words. Poetry

Good bye night

How can you say there will not be night?
The darkness masks us all
Letting us show the world truth
Night swaths our forms and shows
Only what we want
We are unbound by the chains of day
The chains of life and responsibility
Mortality and death; work and expectations
The chains rust and fall away at night
Giving me a moment to run wild
To turn feral, to howl at the moon
“I am powerful. I am beautiful. I am!”

How can you say there will not be night?
No running through the forest,
The scent of pine and fresh air lambasting
My face laughing in exhilaration
The foot stomping rowdiness that grabs
At passing trees and exults with nature
The soft glow of the moon illuminating
A lovers meadow filled with grass
That cushions while perpetually making it’s
Rough presence known through a thin nightgown

How can you say there will not be night?
The city streets packed with glitz and glitter
The writhing mass of humanity trying to throw it away
The pulsing beat of music
Pounding out the rhythm of souls, shouting
Out to the mass crowd
“You are not alone.”
The hypnotic sway of bodies lost in ecstasy
Group mentality that pulls out the lost memories
The single moment of icy clarity. I will die.

How can you say there will not be night?
Souls laugh and shriek, cy and rant
Fight and love; running round and round and round
The merry-go-round of fate spins out of control
The drop of time where my tree is seen without leaves
Where my eye’s curtains are thrown wide
Where my mask reveals the essence of me
My nature, my hatred, my love, my indifference
Where hopes and dreams fly, lives crash
And burn. Souls mate and never meet again.

How can you say there will not be night?
When that is the only time I am free to be me.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

And another one bites the dust

Yes. So it has been several months since I have posted last and all I really need to say is "fuck my life."

A few story ideas have merged into one and I am in the process of extricating them. It is taking longer then I thought possible, but until it is done no short clips from NaNo. Since everyone was totally looking forward to it. Not. Any way, much love. Hopefully more will be written after graduation.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What happened in November

I did not end up writing 50,000 words in November, I missed it by almost 17,000 but I was so close. Not. Anyway I will be posting the story in short, very short, increments when I get around to editing it. Hopefully I will be able to finish the research that I need to write the next part of Emerald Eyes ... probably not, but I can hope. Until further notice I will not be posting any stories.

This next semester I will try to write more, maybe even a few short stories, but between my two jobs and a new internship that seems highly unlikely. Plus I have been bequeathed a new blog. As of a few weeks ago I became the editor of my dorm blog. You may have noticed that it hasn't been updated in almost a year, hopefully that will be remedied soon.