Sunday, August 1, 2010

Emerald eyes, part one

Red boots tapped the floor echoing in the empty room. A distorted vision of matted hair, which used to hang in glossy waves, reflected the dire situation. She glared at the old man sitting behind the double-sided glass.

“How does she know where you’re sitting, sir?” asked the young security guard, who had been on shift since they had brought the woman into the other room.


“I said, how does she know where you are sitting, sir.”

“Because she is damn good.”


“She has an uncanny ability to know things,” replied the man. “If she gets out this destructive streak without dying she will be the best detective we’ve had in years.”
Both men stayed watching in silence, as the woman continued to tap her red boots on the floor and stare daggers at the mirror, until a rap on the door announced the arrival of the commissioner.

“What do you think of your new partner, Takashi?” The commissioner pulled up a chair next to him and the woman’s eyes snapped to him before returning to glare at Takashi. “Mirrors like this are useless against Capitan Ray, but I guess it’s better to put her in an interrogation room and not a cell. A cell would look bad on the record.”

Takashi chuckled under his breath. “Blowing up part of a foreign embassy and your partner to catch a thief is what looks bad.”

The two men shared a look, they had gone threw training together and had been partners before Weslyn’s parents had smoothed his way up the chain. It had been a sore point between the friends for several years, before Weslyn had risked his life to save Takashi from a terrorist kidnapping.

“Can you do it Takashi?”

“I don’t know commissioner. She’s a tough one,” he replied. “After reading her file I know why you wanted me to partner with her. But there is nothing I can do to help.”

Commissioner Weslyn looked at his friend for several moments, gauging to tell if it was okay to broach the issue that had caused him to be captured by terrorists. “Yes.”


“Yes you can Takashi,” confirmed the commissioner. “She is you thirty years ago. You’re the only person here who can understand her.”

“No,” Takashi whispered. “I can understand her. I know all to well were she is headed if she doesn’t stop. But I am the last person who could stop her. She needs a friend like you Nicolas.”

Takashi pushed his chair back and headed out the door. “If you’ll excuse me sir. I am going to introduce myself to my new partner.”

Part 2


  1. hmmm interesting how you drew me in and now i want the rest of the story and possibly in manga form with at bishouen ??

  2. You're just obsessed with manga right now. But I will see if I can find someone to illustrate it, it might not be for a few years though. I will try to get the next part up this weekend.
